Now my footage had been captured it was time to edit my video.
I had captured my footage onto my editing software which was Adobe CS3 Pro and was ready to edit, however due to school technical difficulties all of my footage had been deleted by the school database so i had to capture it again, this process happened about 5 times so a lot of time that i could have used for editing was lost due to errors in the software. However, eventually this process was overcome and i was then able to start and complete my editing process.
I wanted to keep my video fairly simple and steer away from the path of making it a spectacle, as a result i opted to use minimal effects and transitions hoping to keep the audience engaged in my video rather than any effects, i also changed my video from colour to black and white.
I tended to use the same transitions and effects in my video, for example a black-to-white transitions, or whit-to-black, or fade to black/white.